Cam Luong Fish Stream
Cam Luong Fish Stream
Cam Luong Fish Stream
Cam Luong Fish Stream
Cam Luong Fish Stream


Price: Updating

Phone: 0904652255

Time to visit a place: No limit

Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM


Address: tdp hoa binh, thi tran phong n, huyen cam thuy, tinh thanh hoa Cam Luong commune, Cam Thuy district,

The Cẩm Lương Fish Stream is located in the Lương Ngọc hamlet, about 80 kilometers west of Thanh Hóa City. The stream flows from an underground water cave in Bồ Um Mountain, part of the Trường Sinh Mountain range. The cave entrance is just wide enough for a person's outstretched arm and only a few dozen centimeters high. Yet, the stream is home to a vast school of fish numbering in the tens of thousands. Locals speculate that the cave might be connected to an underground river or stream flowing through limestone that has dissolved over time. However, despite many attempts to trace the source, no one has been able to pinpoint where the stream or underground river begins, though it is believed to originate from the nearby vast pristine forest.



The Mysterious Sacred Fish Stream of Cẩm Lương

The Cẩm Lương Fish Stream is located in the Lương Ngọc hamlet, about 80 kilometers west of Thanh Hóa City. The stream flows from an underground water cave in Bồ Um Mountain, part of the Trường Sinh Mountain range. The cave entrance is just wide enough for a person's outstretched arm and only a few dozen centimeters high. Yet, the stream is home to a vast school of fish numbering in the tens of thousands. Locals speculate that the cave might be connected to an underground river or stream flowing through limestone that has dissolved over time. However, despite many attempts to trace the source, no one has been able to pinpoint where the stream or underground river begins, though it is believed to originate from the nearby vast pristine forest.

The Cẩm Lương Sacred Fish Stream has long been famous for its pristine, rustic beauty, intertwined with a mysterious spiritual legend. According to local lore, there was once an elderly couple who had been childless for many years. One day, the wife found a strange egg while working on a field near the stream. After bringing it home, the couple decided to let a hen incubate it. When the egg hatched into a snake, the husband, frightened, released the baby snake into the Ngọc Stream. However, each time he tried to release it, the snake would return to their home. The couple decided to keep the snake. Since the snake's arrival, the fields were always irrigated, and the local community thrived in peace and happiness. However, after a night of heavy rain and strong winds, the villagers found the snake's lifeless body washed up at the foot of Trường Sinh Mountain. Saddened by the loss of the sacred snake, they buried it at the foot of the mountain and built a temple in its honor. From that time, a school of thousands of fish appeared in the Ngọc Stream.

Visitors at the Cẩm Lương Sacred Fish Stream

The fish in the Sacred Fish Stream number in the thousands, ranging in size from small to large, with each fish weighing between 2 to 8 kilograms. The fish are of a variety of unique shapes and colors, including black, green, and pink. As they swim, their bodies glow in many colors, sparkling with a beautiful silver sheen. Visitors can even step into the water and gently touch these sacred fish. On special occasions, locals have reported seeing "sacred fish" with unique features, such as fish with red-ringed scales resembling earrings, eyes with two layers of green and red, and tails marked with red dots bordered by green. Although no one has ever weighed the "sacred fish," many older Mường ethnic people assert that these fish can weigh up to 30 to 40 kilograms. Despite the dense population of fish, the stream's water never smells foul. Locals still use the water from the stream for cooking. According to the beliefs of the local people, these fish are sacred, so no one dares to catch them—people simply come to admire them and pray for good fortune.

One particularly strange mystery is that the fish never venture far from the cave entrance. They swim just about 100 meters from the cave before turning back, never straying farther. Even after heavy rains and floods, when water from the cave or surrounding mountains pours into the stream, the fish continue swimming peacefully, unaffected by the changes. Day after day, the "sacred fish" of Cẩm Lương follow the same routine: during the day, they leave the cave to swim in the stream, greet visitors, and hunt for food, but at night, they return to the underground cave to rest. This incredible phenomenon has attracted hundreds of thousands of tourists to the Cẩm Lương Sacred Fish Stream every year. With the local people's belief in the sacred fish and the environmental protection efforts of the local government, the stream remains crystal clear, and the fish school continues to thrive as a living testament to the miraculous wonders bestowed upon the Mường people, Cẩm Thủy, and Thanh Hóa province.

Cẩm Lương Sacred Fish Stream

Along with visiting the Sacred Fish Stream, tourists can explore the surrounding natural scenery and enjoy the beautiful landscape. During the spring, visitors should return to the Cẩm Lương Fish Stream to participate in the Khai Hạ Festival held by the Lương Ngọc villagers (on the 7th-8th of the lunar New Year). Here, visitors can discover the rich cultural heritage of the Mường people. In the forested setting, along with the procession carrying the sacred idol, the gong and drum teams, and people dressed in colorful traditional clothes, visitors can feel the lively atmosphere of the festival and experience the joy of a place steeped in mysterious legends.




The Cẩm Lương Fish Stream is located in the Lương Ngọc hamlet, about 80 kilometers west of Thanh Hóa City. The stream flows from an underground water cave in Bồ Um Mountain, part of the Trường Sinh Mountain range. The cave entrance is just wide enough for a person's outstretched arm and only a few dozen centimeters high. Yet, the stream is home to a vast school of fish numbering in the tens of thousands. Locals speculate that the cave might be connected to an underground river or stream flowing through limestone that has dissolved over time. However, despite many attempts to trace the source, no one has been able to pinpoint where the stream or underground river begins, though it is believed to originate from the nearby vast pristine forest.

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