Shrine of Vích, Hậu Lộc, Thanh Hóa

20/12/2024 18 0

The Shrine of Vích is located in Hải Lộc commune, Hậu Lộc district, Thanh Hóa province. It is a historical and cultural site of great significance, closely tied to the cultural traditions of the coastal inhabitants. The shrine was built long ago to honor Đại Càn, the national deity of the South Sea and the Four Holy Ladies. It is one of the important spiritual worship centers in the lives of the coastal community.

Image: Shrine of Vích, Hậu Lộc, Thanh Hóa

According to legend, the Shrine of Vích has a long history. When it was first built, it had a thatched roof. Later, Lê Doãn Giai (the first person from Y Bích village to pass the Đại khoa exam during the reign of King Lê Hiển Tông in the year Quý Hợi) donated money to the village to rebuild the shrine with bricks and tiles on a larger scale.

In the past, there were four stone pillars in front of the shrine, each over 4 meters tall, with each side measuring 0.5 meters, and the base of the pillars was square, measuring 1.3 meters on each side. The shafts of the pillars were engraved with couplets. Behind the four stone pillars was a system of ceremonial gates, followed by a spacious courtyard large enough to accommodate the entire village during ritual ceremonies. The Shrine of Vích has three chambers facing east, located about 800 meters from the Lạch Trường sea entrance.

The remaining historical artifacts in the site include: 22 wooden objects, 43 stone items, and 29 royal decrees for the Four Holy Ladies. The first decree is dated March 29, the 4th year of the Đức Long reign (1632). The last decree is dated July 25, the 9th year of the Khải Định reign, in 1924.

The architecture of the Shrine of Vích follows an ancient style with intricate carvings on wood and stone, creating a beauty that is both solemn and rustic. The atmosphere at the shrine is peaceful, and it is a place where locals often come to offer incense, pray, and participate in traditional ceremonies.

The Vích Shrine Festival is held annually from the 9th to the 12th of June in the lunar calendar (the main festival takes place on the 10th and 11th). The religious part of the festival is solemn, featuring a procession of the statue of the goddess to the Vích Pagoda, and then back to the shrine—these are the most sacred rituals of the Vích Shrine Festival. During the festival, people from the villages in the commune come to the shrine to pray for favorable weather, national peace, a stable sea, and prosperity for the fishermen. The festival also includes various cultural and sporting activities.

The Shrine of Vích is not only a place of spiritual significance but also a cultural and historical landmark reflecting the beauty and heritage of Hậu Lộc, Thanh Hóa. In 2011, the Shrine of Vích was recognized as a provincial-level historical and cultural site.

Image: Vích Shrine Festival

