
Preserve and promote national cultural identity

Developing Vietnamese culture and people in the trend of globalization and international economic integration is taking place strongly, opening up many opportunities and favorable conditions, but also facing many difficulties and challenges, especially in the face of the emergence of many foreign id

Cultural gathering of ethnic groups in Thanh Hoa province

Thanh Hoa is an ancient land, the place where the Dong Son culture was discovered and the central area that shone since the time of King Hung's founding. This is also the place where 7 ethnic groups live and each community still preserves its own cultural nuances and identities, good cultural values

Những người say mê bảo tồn và phát triển ngôn ngữ viết của người Thái

In Thanh Hoa, talking about some Thai people who are passionate about researching, preserving and developing their ethnic language, we must mention Mr. Ha Nam Ninh, Cao Bang Nghia and Pham Ba Thuoc. Mr. Cao Bang Nghia (standing on the right in white shirt), Mr. Ha Nam Ninh (standing in the middle) a

People who are passionate about preserving and developing Muong ethnic culture

If we talk about people who are passionate about researching, collecting, and understanding the Muong ethnic culture in Thanh Hoa, we must mention the folklore researcher Cao Son Hai from Cam Thuy district (currently living in Thanh Hoa city) and the poet Pham Vuong Anh from Ngoc Lac district. Rega