Tu Quy restaurant   

Phường Xuân Lâm, Thị xã Nghi Sơn, Thanh Hóa Phường Xuân Lâm, Thị xã Nghi Sơn, Tỉnh Thanh Hóa - 02378686102

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Common Information


Tu Quy Restaurant in Nghi Son Town, Thanh Hoa, is an ideal destination for culinary experiences and event organization. With a luxurious, spacious space, combining modern and traditional features, the restaurant is suitable for wedding parties, conferences, festivals or family gatherings. Tu Quy stands out with a rich menu, including regional specialties and fresh seafood, delicately prepared to satisfy all diners. Professional staff and full event organization services help customers enjoy memorable moments.

Basic information

Open Time: 09:00

Close Time: 22:00

Price: Updating

Distinctive features