Ban & Toi Caffee   

Phố 3, Thị Trấn Cành Nàng, huyện Bá Thước, tỉnh Thanh Hóa Thị trấn Cành Nàng, Huyện Bá Thước, Tỉnh Thanh Hóa - 0949681102

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Common Information


Located at Hao Street 3, Canh Nang Town, Ba Thuoc District, Thanh Hoa Province, Ban & Toi Caffee is the perfect spot to relax and connect with friends and loved ones. With its warm and welcoming atmosphere and friendly service, the café has become a favorite destination for locals and visitors alike

Basic information

Open Time: 06:00

Close Time: 23:00

Price: 30,000đ

Distinctive features